Mining Shared Value in media, reports, and blogposts
28 February - “Go backward not forward? A plea for caution on dogmatic approaches to value-addition for green transition minerals” - Article by Jeff Geipel, MSV Managing Director in the London School of Economics International Development Blog
9 December - “Canada pushes mining reconciliation efforts with Indigenous Peoples” - Giulia Bottaro, Kallanish Power Materials (MSV quoted) [Paywalled]
15 July - “Engineers Without Borders releases human rights guidance for mining procurement” - Canadian Mining Journal
15 May - “Mas que vecinos, socios estratégicos: El impacto local de las compras sostenibles en la mineria peruana” - Rumbo MInero
4 March - “Estudio piloto revela que falta de estandarización en compras es una de las principales brechas del sector minero en Perú” - Portal Minero
4 March - “Estudio revela obstáculos en adquisiciones mineras en Perú” - Mundo Minero
4 March - “Revelan desafíos entre empresas proveedoras locales y las compañías mineras” - Minero Digital (Linkedin Media)
3 March - “Estudio identifica falta de estandarización de reportes de compras locales en minería como brecha de acceso a la información en Perú” -
3 March - “Brecha de acceso a la información en el sector minero peruano: Un estudio revela importantes hallazgos” - Revista Digital Minera Chile
3 March - “INFORME | Estudio identifica falta de estandarización de reportes de compras locales en minería como brecha de acceso a la información” - Revista Minergia
1 March - “Estudio identifica falta de estandarización de reportes de compras locales en minería como brecha de acceso a la información en Perú” - Reporte Minero & Energético
29 February - “Descubre la Revelación Explosiva: Análisis Profundo del Acceso a la Información sobre Adquisiciones en el Sector Minero del Sur del Perú.” - Latam Mining
28 February - “Conoce los detalles del “Diagnóstico del acceso a información de adquisiciones del sector minero en el sur del Perú” - Rumbo Minero Internacional
27 February - “Estudio revela escaso acceso público a las políticas de proveedores locales de las empresas mineras” - Diario Gestión
18 January - “Mundo Minero y Tatiana Alarcón conversarán sobre Mining Shared Value y la transparencia en el sector minero” - MSV Programme Coordinator Tatiana Alarcón intervewed by Mundo Minero TV (Interview in Spanish)
September - Conclusion chapter in the book “Extractive Bargains - Natural Resources and the State-Society Nexus” - Contribution from MSV Managing Director Jeff Geipel
5 July - “Estudio piloto de acceso a la información de adquisiciones del sector minero en el sur del Perú” - Presentation of the study funded by Minsus, GIZ project
24 May - “The just transition to a low carbon economy and its impact on Indigenous rights and local suppliers” - Reconciliation and Responsible Investment Initiative (RRII) website
7 February - “Unearthing the truth about mining impacts” - Global Reporting Initiative
7 December - “Local Content Strategies – Not As Far Away As You Think” - Opinion piece for
6 December - “Top miners adopt ESG and transparency reporting framework” -
5 December - “Use of Mining LPRM grows, 12 companies now onboard” - Canadian Mining Journal
2 December - “Miners adopt MSV's procurement mechanism” - Mining Magazine
13 October - “Engineers Without Borders still finds information gaps for procurement” - Canadian Mining Journal
6 July - “Onyen ESG solution tracks mine purchasing” - Shane Lasley, Metal Tech News
30 June - “Onyen adds local procurement to ESG software” - Mining Magazine
29 June - “Onyen adds local procurement reporting to ESG software” - Canadian Mining Journal
10 May - “Integrating just transition principles into sustainable supply chains” - Interview with Mining Journal's
Digging for Climate Change
20 April - “Bridging the “E” and “S” in ESG” - Mining Journal's Digging for Climate Change
17 March - “The potential role of the state in developing mining sector local content - reflections on Future Minerals Forum in Saudi Arabia” - Resource Global Network
19 January - “GRI announces team to develop mining standards” - Jax Jacobsen, Mining Magazine
2 December - “La prochaine frontière de la transparence – Pourquoi la société civile doit-elle se concentrer sur l’approvisionnement de l’industrie extractive ?” - November 30th Publish What You Pay blogpost shared by AFRICA PETROMINE.
30 November - “Transparency’s next frontier – Why extractive industry procurement should be a focus of civil society” - Blogpost for Publish What You Pay; également en français.
29 October - “News link 2021-10-29 Second Edition” - West Africa Democracy Radio interview (Interview at 17:28)
October - “Care in the Community” - Alexander Bruce Lister Matheson, Materials World
14 September - “Interview with Jeff Geipel of Mining Shared Value” - Bedrock Service Blog
11 July - “What’s at stake: How supplier transparency can benefit the extractive sector” - Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Blog
7 May - “Partnerships are key to building local enterprises” - Engineering News & Mining Weekly, article co-written with SRK Consulting’s Lisl Pullinger and Andrew Van Zyl
15 April - “Compras locales: una forma eficaz para que las empresas mineras contribuyan al desarrollo económico y social” - Blogpost for Energía, Minería y Medio Ambiente (Spanish)
2 April - “Opening the door for local service providers” - Engineering News & Mining Weekly, article co-written with SRK Consulting’s Lisl Pullinger and Andrew Van Zyl
15 March - “Solaris y Lundin Gold han adoptado el Mecanismo de Información para la Adquisición Local en el Sector Minero (LPRM) - Energía, Minería y Medio Ambiente
10 March - “Why mines need to shop more locally” - Interview with Carly Leonida for The Intelligent Miner
10 March - “Power of inclusive procurement” - Mehanaz Yakub, CIM Magazine
5 March - “Corruption-free supply chains vital for shared value” - Engineering News & Mining Weekly, article co-written with SRK Consulting’s Lisl Pullinger and Andrew Van Zyl
5 March - “Automatisation des mines en Afrique : opportunités et menaces” - Mines et minerais du Sénégal
8 March - “Solaris Resources signs a service agreement with Mining Shared Value to advise on strengthening its local procurement policies” - Press Release from Solaris Resources
5 February - “Value of supplier portals in boosting local procurement” - Engineering News & Mining Weekly, article co-written with SRK Consulting’s Lisl Pullinger and Andrew Van Zyl
28 January - “Four miners adopt mining shared value’s local procurement reporting mechanism” - Resource Global Network
27 January - “Four mining companies adopt Mining Local Procurement Reporting Mechanism” - Donna Slater, Mining Weekly
27 January - “Miners think local with adoption of new procurement standard” - Canadian Mining Journal
27 January - “African miners adopt local procurement transparency framework” - Mining Review Africa
26 January - “Miners using new ESG and transparency framework” -
15 January - “Broadening mines' supply chain for local impact” - Engineering News & Mining Weekly, article co-written with SRK Consulting’s Lisl Pullinger and Andrew Van Zyl
15 January - “4 Mining Companies Adopt Mining LPRM” - Engineering and Mining Journal
18 January - “Mining Shared Value: Can mining companies use procurement as a tool for development?” - Making Mining Better video interview with Rahul Joglekar
25 December - “New mining technologies offering opportunities to advance sustainable development” - T. Baljmaa, Mongol Messenger
27 November - “Les chaînes d’approvisionnement local, une priorité croissante pour les sociétés minières” - Matthew Parizot, CIM Magazine
5 November - “Reflexiones desde la Cámara 161” - MSV Programme Coordinator Tatiana Alarcon interviewed as part of the Council of Chambers and Production Associations of Ecuador webinar series, on Ecuador en Vivo (interview in Spanish)
12 October - “Local Content Responses to COVID-19 and Automation? The Answer is Data” - Jeff Geipel, Managing Director, Mining Shared Value, Engineers Without Borders Canada
15 October - “Minería del valor compartido” - Dr. Elisa Moran´s article about sustainable mining in Ecuador, mentions the LPRM as a good practice to disclose local procurement information (article in Spanish)
October - “Local supply chain a growing priority for miners” - Matthew Parizot, CIM Magazine
10 September - “Good practice partnership for local procurement” - Mining Weekly
14 August - “Transparency in purchases and promotion of local contracting of the Mining Industry” - CAEM
1 August - “Good practice partnership for local procurement” - Megan van Wyngaardt, Mining Global
August - “Common ground: Partnership to boost local procurement” - Mining Review Africa
23 July - “Good practice partnership for local procurement” - Engineering News
22 July - “SRK collaborates with Mining Shared Value to foster local procurement” - Paul Moore, International Mining
22 July - “Good practice partnership for local procurement” - First Mining Magazine DRC-Zambia
21 April - “Workshop Report - New Frontiers in Local Content: Environment and Transparency” - Event report by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung for February’s event during Mining Indaba 2020 where MSV’s Jeff Geipel and Kyela de Weerdt presented
28 February - “Services and subcontracting: Unexplored ground for transparency” - Blogpost by Inês Schjølberg Marques and Joanne Jones featuring the Mining Local Procurement Reporting Mechanism
13 February - “Extractive Industries, Transparency and Procurement – Increasing Alignment” - Blogpost for the Open Government Partnership
18 December - “What a Mali mine teaches us about the future of work” - Oliver Balch, Raconteur and the Times
22 October - “A New Normal for Due Diligence in Global Supply Chains” - Blogpost for Assent Compliance co-written with Josh Scheinert of Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
October - “The EITI's Role in Addressing Corruption” - Discussion paper for the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative by Alexandra Gilles mentioning our work as a potential option to support incorporation of the procurement of services into the EITI (p. 15). Version française
August - “Guidance note 30 - Towards gender-responsive EITI implementation” - Brief from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative International Secretariat featuring the Mining Local Procurement Reporting Mechanism
22 July - “Going Beyond Revenues in Extractive Sector Governance: But How?” - Blogpost for the Natural Resource Governance Institute along with Nicola Woodroffe and Perrine Toledano
1 July - “Why procurement should be the "next frontier" in transparency for mining” - Blogpost for the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
17 June - “Accroitre la production de l’information dans le cadre de l’approvisionnement dans le secteur minier a travers le mechnisme de reporting l’appprovisionnement local (MRAL)“ [Pushing for increased information on mining local procurement in West Africa with the LPRM] - blogpost by Ahamadou Mohamed Maiga on the Publish What You Pay, OSIWA and Mining Shared Value project in West Africa
25 January - “Coalition malienne «Publiez ce que vous payez» : FORMATION SUR LE MÉCANISME DE REPORTING SUR L’APPROVISIONNEMENT LOCAL” - L’Essor, French language media coverage of Publish What You Pay and OSIWA workshop on the Mining Local Procurement Reporting Mechanism
18 January - “ROTAB: formation sur l’approvisionnement local des compagnies extractives” - Niamey Soir, French language media coverage of ROTAB’s Mining Local Procurement Reporting Mechanism workshop
7 December - “Boost local procurement in mining – Tjivikua” - Nampa, The Namibian
6 December - “N$32 billion invested in Namibian mines in four years” - Edgar Brandt, New Era
30 November - “Local procurement forum slated for next week” - Maihapa Ndjavera, New Era
12 November, - “How to facilitate the disclosure of local procurement payments in mining” - Blogpost for the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)
November, “Systems Change Ideas to “Do Good” as a Mine” - Opinion Piece for Resource Global Network (pp. 50-59)
25 October - “We need to talk about automation” - Nia Kajastie, Mining Magazine
4 September - "For African governments to intervene is reasonable" - Letter in the Financial Times in response to Peter Leon's August 29th editorial "African nations must resist siren song of resource nationalism"
23 August - "Will mine automation erode benefits for locals?" - Opinion piece for Mining Magazine
June - “PEPZ hosts high level roundtable meeting to increase mining sector local content” - Private Enterprise Programme - Zambia
26 April - "How a little local knowledge can go a long way for mining companies" - Mike Scott, Ethical Corporation Magazine
25 April, “Leveraging extractive industries to benefit local communities” - World Bank website feature on the ELLED Community of Practice which Mining Shared Value manages in partnership with the Bank’s Energy and Extractives Practice
March - "EITI and opportunities for increasing local content transparency" - The Mining LPRM included in brief from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) as a tool for company reporting on local content (p. 5); brief also available in French.
March - "A Tool for Mine-Site Level Local Procurement Reporting" - Profile of the Mining Local Procurement Reporting Mechanism in the Compendium of Practices for the OECD Policy Dialogue on Natural Resource-based Development
31 January - "What gets measured gets managed: Tapping into local procurement in the mining industry to advance development" - Blogpost by the ICMM's Luke Balleny on local procurement and the Mining LPRM for OECD Development Matters. Reposted on ICMM's website.
21 November - "Welcome to Lusaka" (Summary of Peer Learning Event for EITI Implementing Anglophone / Lusophone Countries in Africa with our Mining Local Procurement Reporting Mechanism presentation) - Pablo Valverde, Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative blog
3 August - "New reporting mechanism adds local procurement to the global transparency agenda" - Publish What You Pay
20 July - "From theory to practice: promoting more inclusive benefits from mining through better measurement and transparency of local procurement" - The London School of Economics and Political Science
10 July - "CSR: Engineers Without Borders Canada launches local procurement reporting mechanism" - Canadian Mining Journal
July - "Local procurement in mining: A central component of tackling the resource curse" - The Extractive Industries and Society (Academic Journal)
13 June - "Accountability boosted by first-time publication of payments to govts by Canadian miners" - Henry Lazenby, Mining Weekly
29 March - "Coal Mining Jobs Trump Would Bring Back No Longer Exist" - Hiroko Tabuchi, New York Times (featuring the Mining a Mirage study)
24 February - "Mining Local Procurement Trends Report Launched" - Namibia University of Science and Technology
16 February - "Procurement of local goods must be driven by industrialisation" - Edgar Brandt, New Era (Namibia)
1 February - "Ground-breaking report on engaging with aboriginal business for local procurement released" - Michael Torrence, Canadian Mining Journal
1 February - "Partnerships in procurement – aboriginal businesses operating in Canada’s mining sector" - Opinion piece in the Canadian Mining Journal with CCAB's Max Skudra
February - "Increase in procurement from indigenous suppliers in Canadian mining sector: report" - Kylie Williams, CIM Magazine
20 January - "Automated mining will cost jobs and tax income: it's time for governments to act" - Oliver Balch, Guardian Sustainable Business
13 January - "Partnerships in Procurement Report: A Must Read from Mining Shared Value" - Blog by Meaghan Langille from Shared Value Solutions
30 November - "Mining companies want more Aboriginal goods and services, says report" - Northern Ontario Business
26 October - "A lot more automation, a lot less humans to hit the mining industry" - Story featuring MSV's work posted on
20 September - "Study shows Duty to Consult needs a national strategy " - Opinion piece in the Eagle Feather News. Adapted and reposted on GOXI
August - "Local Procurement in Mongolia: All the Pieces are in Place" - Interview in the Mongolian Mining Journal (Mongolian version)
27 July - “If working with mining, Canadian aid needs to get more sophisticated" - Opinion piece in The Hill Times. Adapted and reposted on GOXI
6 July - "Aligning CSR and its reporting with Sustainable Development Goals" - Opinion piece for Corporate Citizenship Briefing
May - "Mining and community-based agribusiness for development: Multi-stakeholder partnerships in the gold sector in Ghana" - Discussion paper by the European Centre for Development Policy Management featuring Mining Shared Value's work (pp. 11-12)
1 May - "Measurement Matters" - Column in CIM Magazine
5 April - "How to create a successful Local Content Strategy" - Blogpost by Steve Wade for Ethical Corporation summarizing February webinar. Reposted on GOXI
12 February - "To harness the private sector to achieve the SDGs, we need real measurement of impact" - Opinion Piece for Devex
10 February - "Engineers Without Borders working towards establishing local procurement reporting standard" - Mining Weekly
8 February - "Mining Local Procurement by Cameco in Northern Saskatchewan: Good for the Region and Good for Business" - Blogpost for Business Fights Poverty
25 January - "Creating a System to Standardize Reporting on Local Procurement" - Blogpost for GOXI
2 December - "Sharing Mining's Value" - By Juliet Langton, a cover story featuring Mining Shared Value - Resource Global Network
2 November - "The need to balance global trade with local content pushes in the extractive sector" - Blogpost for the E15 Initiative, reposted on GOXI
5 October - "Shared value should be a strategy for specific situations, not dogma" - Blogpost for the Shared Value Initiative
23 July - "Social Outcomes Report: Shared Value in Australia" - Extractive companies mine for shared value section features quotation from Venture Leader Jeff Geipel
6 July - "Canadian initiative pushes for greater levels of local procurement for mining projects" - SNL Metals & Mining interview with Venture Leader Jeff Geipel
17 June - "The Chance to Get It Right: Africa's Opportunity to Truly Benefit From Mining Investment" - Blogpost for Mining On Top: Africa - London Summit, reposted on the LSE International Development Blog
25 May - "New Canadian Edition of EWB Report Shows Attention to Local Procurement Rising Across Canadian Mining Industry Reporting" - Blogpost for GOXI
6 May - "Local Procurement, a Key to Sharing Mining Benefits" - By Andrew Thompson, featuring Venture Leader Jeff Geipel - Information Centre for the Extractives Sector (ICES), Kenya
11 March - "Major miners embrace local procurement strategy reporting initiative" - Mining Weekly
11 March - "Report Shows Global Mining Industry Reporting more on Local Procurement as CSR Issue" - Blogpost for GOXI
12 January - “The Upside of Local Mining Initiatives over Traditional Community Investment” - Blogpost for the Shared Value Initiative. Reposted on GOXI
3 December - “Kudos for including local procurement in extractives CSR policy” - Opinion piece in Embassy. Adapted and reposted on GOXI and Business Fights Poverty
21 November - “Canadá presentó nueva estrategia de RSE para extractivas que operan en el extranjero” - Communica RSE, Spanish language piece featuring Jeff Geipel’s comments on Canada’s new CSR Strategy’s inclusion of local procurement
20 November - Business News Network interview with Samantha Burton - Interview with the Director of Policy and Advocacy for Engineers Without Borders Canada on Canada's new CSR Strategy for the extractive industries overseas, and the inclusion of local procurement
18 November - “Canada’s mining CSR changes” - BE Mining
17 November - “Engineers Without Borders Canada welcomes improvements to transparency Act, but highlights need to align standards with US, EU” - Mining Weekly
14 November - “Harper Government Announces Enhanced Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy to Strengthen Canada’s Extractive Sector Abroad” - Press Release from Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada, featuring quotation from Venture Leader Jeff Geipel
17 March - “Local Procurement: An effective way for mining companies to contribute to economic and social development” - Blogpost on Building Markets Blog, reposted on Next Billion, Peace and Collaborative Development Network (PCDN), Local First and GOXI
5 March - “PDAC 2014: Miners keen to buy local in bid to dampen hostility to new projects” - Financial Post
For media enquiries regarding Mining Shared Value and local procurement in the extractive industries, please contact